The technology of making «warm floors» on wooden or wood-on-concrete floors for the most part is similar to what has just been described, with the only difference that the heating pipes are laid not in a concrete screed but in special heat reflecting plates which are fastened to the joists or beams of the floor (see Figure 110) directly between the floor joists or on the subfloor. In this case the recommended thickness of the final wooden floor is not more than 15 mm. A thick layer of wood has low heat conductivity which limits the proper regulation of air temperature.

The plates are made in such a way that they can be manually broken to obtain long strips of length 1/2, 1/3 and 1/6 of the whole plate. The plate has a trough in the middle in which the pipe is placed.
The plates are nailed with staples or nails. Pipe installation while making a «warm floor» on wooden beams is made by pressing the pipe into the trough. To put the pipe into the trough, only a light foot effort is needed, but one should be careful not to push the pipe too deep because it can lead to the opening of the plate. Then, above the plates, as with the screed, the final wooden floor is put.